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Friday, September 10, 2010

Information Commissioner reprimands Talk Talk

The Information Commissioner’s Office has criticised internet service provider Talk Talk for failing to disclose details of a malware trial that tracked which websites users had visited
Talk Talk, one of the country’s leading internet service providers, has been rapped by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for failing to disclose details of a software trial that gathered information about the websites visited by its customers.
The Information Commissioner said that Talk Talk should have informed its customers – and the ICO – about a trial it was carrying out to help protect web users from websites infected with malicious software.
The system worked in part by scanning the web addresses of sites visited by customers to check for traces of “malware”. All customers were automatically included in the trial, and were not asked to proactively opt in.
Details of the trial came to light after a Freedom of Information request was lodged with the Information Commissioner’s Office, asking it to provide details of meetings that had taken place between the ICO and Talk Talk.
Correspondence between the two parties revealed the ICO’s disappointment that details of the malware trial had not been disclosed to the Information Commissioner’s Office and the ISP’s users.
“I am concerned that the trial was undertaken without first informing those affected that it was taking place,” wrote Christopher Graham, the information commissioner.
“In the light of the public reaction to BT's trial of the proposed Webwise service [which gathered details of web pages visited by users in order to deliver targeted advertising], I am disappointed to note that this particular trial was not mentioned to my officials during the latest of our liaison meetings.”.
But Talk Talk has defended the trial, saying that it was designed to help protect users from malicious software and computer viruses, and that the data gathered was not used for any other purpose.
The company said that by scanning websites, it could generate a ‘blacklist’ of web pages that contained malware and viruses, thereby enabling the ISP to alert customers to the potential risk certain websites posed to their computer. Talk Talk said that 75,000 of the websites visited by users that it scanned contained malware.
“We were simply looking at the URLs accessed from our network, we weren't looking at customer behaviour so we didn't feel we were obliged to inform customers," said Mark Schmid, TalkTalk's director of communications.
“This is all about protecting customers. It is not designed to provide us with data for any other purpose.”
Talk Talk said it still planned to officially roll out the system by the end of this year.
The Information Commissioner’s Office said it would closely monitor Talk Talk’s new service.
“The ICO is currently looking in to the process by which Talk Talk collects data about websites visited on its network,” said the watchdog in a statement.
“We have requested further details about how data is used and will continue to monitor this service to ensure that it complies with the Data Protection Act.”

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